OPERATION SUPPORT 2011 UPDATES CLICK HERE INCLUDING "WELCOME HOME 2011" SEND OFFS, FAMILY SUPPORT, SCHOOL CARDS/BANNER MAKING/ASSEMBLIES, AND OPERATION ENSURING CHRISTMAS 2011.We need to have Utah volunteers for 2011 contact us for fun party to plan the new year. Director's Spinal Chord injuries will not allow her to continue running this program by herself: Fund Raising, Volunteer Coordinating, Packaging Coordinating, Event Production, and other positions open. National volunteers can help with looking up and contacting companies for donations of items and funds for shipping. Thank you Shirleen for organizing the DAV Auxiliary ladies making stockings, Fauna for helping plan fundraising, and we still need much more help.
JUNE. School Assembly with
gifts presented by soldiers for winning school with most cards.
OPERATION ENSURING CHRISTMAS 2010 Click to see all that happened last year. ATTENTION: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Utah HR Council Companies are dropping off new items to fill more care packages. They were all shipped, 150 care packages to recently deployed soldiers January. Thank you Orem ARMY recruiter's office and volunteers for helping get these done. Let's keep our military and their families in our prayers: "
12/25/10 One of our most treasured letters this last Christmas:
"I am the wife of a deployed soldier. It is Christmas eve for me here in Utah, and Christmas morning in Iraq for my husband. We were talking through the computer and I got the opportunity to watch him open the package that was sent to him. I could tell that he had been feeling sad lately and missed being home especially with the holidays. When he was opening your package and reading the notes written, he was a whole different person. It made him so much happier and in turn, made me extremely happy as well. Thank you for your support and please let me know how I can volunteer to help next year and with any other future projects. I will have a lot of free time to help with whatever needs to be done. Thank you for your response and for this wonderful program that you have started!"
We have committed to 2 Battalions/1 Brigade/8 Units last year for a total of 1,750 deployed military members to receive something from home to Iraq & Afghanistan.
11/06/10 From our Troops
protecting us: "Tell Everyone Thanks Again!"
Utah's Cache Valley and Logan School Districts honored for most 4th of
July Cards and visited by soldiers.
Read more
ATTENTION SCHOOLS PLEASE GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS AND BANNERS TO US BY OCT. 9TH (Utah Schools get them into your school district offices by Oct. 5 for pick up). Congratulations to Woodroff Elementary and Willow Valley Middle Schools for winning the Most Cards Contest this year. Please continue to make Welcome HOme, and Thank you Soldiers Banners!!! We do more than just send care packages. What we did for the Summer 2010:
Thank you for helping Letters To Soldiers pick our New Logo Donated by Logoworks!
of July
Stadium of
Fire with Carrie
Underwood, Osmonds 2nd Generation,
Our Families of Deployed soldiers,
Just Returned Soldiers...come see pics by clicking Carrie
Wow Excelsior Academy middle School Students made 28 amazing banners to welcome home our soldiers (click picture below to see all)
Come see pictures and video of Returning ARmy Reserve soldiers as they come home to airport aired on Fox 13, ABC4 and KSL as well as their Welcome HOme Celebration and Another Brigades' too in July by clicking pictures above.
Happy Valentine's Day Cards/Banners are in and sent to our
troops. ( see winners on left)
Come read the cards, letters and see pics from our troops we mailed care packages to at Operation Ensuring Christmas 2009
Sneak Preview of WElcome Home Troops Celebration and Concert 2011 in planning
THank you: DAV, VFW, American Legion in Utah for your help doing United Way
count of
homeless veterans and to help them get resources.
Veterans Day was extra special sharing it with our soldiers, our DAV
& VFW Veterans, and Payson WalMart and City.
Thank you so much to the 35 members of the Payson, Utah Orr family for collecting 35 coats, toys, and other items for the homeless. And Jana McDaniel for making hats. Thank you also Brittney Naverez for infant clothes for the 150 plus small children in the Shelter and Utah County families. This year thanks to the generosity of families like these, many who would freeze and go without Christmas will get much love from you and your efforts. Thank you also ANgela of UVRMC REhab department for collecting Sub For Santa items for one military family with father in Afghanistan, and mother who was hospitalized and could not pay the medical bills.
In Memory of 9/11 and those who rose to defend our country
read letters coming in today 9/11
Help with a donation today for $9.95 (shipping cost for a flat rate box) to our Soldiers in Iraq by contacting us under "Find out more" in box at the right--------- AUCTION TO RAISE SHIPPING COSTS CLICK HERE FOR AMAZING ITEMS, COURSES, SERVICES.
Please don't forget about our "FOR THE CHILDREN" PROJECT to send pallets of school supplies, shoes, clothes, coats, first aid supplies, vitamins, soccer balls and more to the very poor children of Iraq so devastated and injured by this war:
Message from Congressman Jim Matheson
November 30, 2007
Dear Ms. Denise,
Thank you for sharing
your concerns regarding the collection of letters and packages
of support for soldiers currently serving overseas. I appreciate
your interest in the issues facing our country and state, and I
am happy to respond. When you contact me, you help me to better
I greatly appreciate all the work you are doing to ensure that our brave soldiers currently serving overseas receive the recognition they deserve. Especially during the holidays, sending them care packages and letters from their families, friends, and communities can improve the morale of our troops. I have always been a strong supporter of our brave young and men who serve in the military, and I will continue to ensure that they get the funding they need both when they are abroad and when they return.
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Member of Congress
Current Needs!
Public Relations & Funraising Geniuses Needed
We need volunteers to spread the word about this volunteer effort! Do you have experience in any of the following areas?
- PR - press releases, public service announcements, contacting the media (TV, radio, newspapers)
- fundraising
- getting sponsors
- if so, run, don't walk, to your e-mail and contact me!
- FRG volunteers from Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy
LetterBox Makers
Crafty people needed to make letter boxes for our Troops! We need letter boxes to place at local businesses to collect letters for our Troops! Contact me for more info!
Thanksgiving Day thanks to NPR.org radio, we received over 40 letters online from all over the US, Germany, Argentina, England, Canada and other locations. All positive and in support of our Troops!
Cards made by kids are coming in from all over the US with postage cost donations.
"Dear Military Troop Support Group,
So many of you have responded enthusiastically to news of the
upcoming screenings of National Geographic Entertainment's war
Restrepo. The film is directed by Sebastian Junger and Tim
We'd like to make this offer to you of complimentary full-sized
posters, mini-posters and postcards to give to your members at
Just email me with the a name of a person at your organization,
the quantity, and a mailing address. We'll have them shipped
directly to you.
If you'd like to take part in either DC or Los Angeles, I'm
attaching the invitations for your members. They can RSVP with
the address on the evite. If you have members in other cities,
we are also planning screenings in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, as
well as Ft. Hood, and Ft. Benning. The film begins opening in
theaters on June 25 in NY and Los Angeles, and rolling out
across the country soon after.
Thank you so much for your interest
Very Best,"
PR Team, Restrepo
Army Wife
The Kitchen Dispatch Blog
Thank you Charlene for working on revamping our website and our angel Shoshana for always being there to help us with our website troubleshooting!! We need more Volunteers please, and donations needed still!
Come watch Trace Adkins and the USMC Glee Club
Movies to watch thanks to the VFW, check out their site!!
here for the full show!
- Two brothers went to fight. One went to find out why. The
highly acclaimed documentary, "Brothers
at War," celebrates the courage and integrity of the
American soldier and the American family. We'll speak with Jake
Rademacher - filmmaker, actor and brother, on his directoral
"'Come Back Home' was written in the wake of me losing my
longtime drummer and former Army soldier John C. Williams. But
the song started off as a reflection of how a military couple
deals with separation. After the release of Come Back Home,
Johns little brother was killed by an IED in Iraq. His name was
Blake Williams. His platoon used this track as the audio to a
memorial slide show presentation they did in March of 2008. It
was for all the courageous men and women they had lost in the
month of March. I am humbled by their service to our great
country and I hope this song brings them some peace. My father
served in Vietnam and I truly appreciate their dedication and
bravery." -Pat McGee
NOTE; Band of Brothers WWII hero passes, read more |