Letters to Soldiers
would like to collect Cell Phones you don’t need all year round please email
us for details. We can put a box for letters and cell phones at your business. Or drop off a prepaid
calling card at our LEtters to Soldiers by emailing us at for us to send to the
Designed with the armed forces in mind.
Having dedicated
their lives to this country, unfortunately, members of the US Armed
Services, still remain the most common victims of Mesothelioma. Asbestos
can be easily released into the air by the destruction of nearby buildings,
scattered debris, or poorly ventilated engine rooms and contained
environments in submarines, to be inhaled by our troops. Of the approximate
25 million service men, women and veterans in the U.S. today, close to a
million individuals have been exposed.
From Middle Eastern
and Jewish students at NYU with Seeds of Peace: See what the Freedom of
Egyptians means to them in this great music video:
CAIRO | Egyptian Seed Mostafa Fahmy
(Camp 1999) and his friends filmed,
edited and recorded a music video during
a two-day period last week. The song,
Sout Al Houreya (
Voice of Freedom), has received
over 900,000 views on YouTube since it
was released on February 10, and is one
of the 100 most-watched videos on the
site this week.
Mostafa filmed during the protests in
Tahrir Square, and despite losing two
video cameras to police, never gave up.
After the second camera was taken, he
spoke with Seeds of Peace co-founder
Bobbie Gottschalk. “She gave me the push
to go film and not stop,” Mostafa says.
“Our only goal was to create a video
that might increase the hope for our
people,” he says. “As you see, it has
been spread. We were inspired by what we
see every day in Egypt. We smelled
freedom and we couldn't resist doing
"How does Sears treat its employees who are called up for military duty? By
law, they are required to hold their jobs open and available, but nothing
more. Usually, people take a big pay cut and lose benefits as a result of
being called up for active duty.
Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and maintaining all
benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all called up
reservist employees for up to two years.
I submit that Sears is an exemplary corporate citizen and should be
recognized for its contribution. I suggest we all shop at Sears at least
once, and be sure to find a manager to tell them why we are there so the
company gets the positive reinforcement & feedback it well deserves.
I decided to check this before I sent it forward. So I sent the following
e-mail to the Sears Customer Service Department:
I received this e-mail and I would like to know if it is true. If it is, the
internet may have just become one very good source of advertisement for your
company. I know I would go out of my way to buy products from Sears instead
of another store for a like item, even if it's cheaper at that store.
This is their answer to my e-mail:
"Dear Customer:
Thank you for contacting Sears.The information is factual. We appreciate
your positive feedback.
Sears regards service to our country as one of greatest sacrifices our young
men and women can make. We are happy to do our part to lessen the burden
they bear at this time."
Bill Thorn
Sears Customer Care
Please pass this on to all your friends. Sears needs to be recognized for
this outstanding contribution and we need to show them as Americans, we do
appreciate what they are doing for our military!!! "Dear Letters to Soldiers Representative:
On November 11th, we honor and thank our military
veterans. We owe these brave men and women a debt of gratitude for
protecting our country and the freedoms that we enjoy.
1st in Flowers has a long history of working with
military personnel, both at home and overseas, to send flowers for special
occasions – whether anniversaries, holidays, or just because. We offer a 15%
discount to military servicemembers every day, not just during holidays or
Veterans Day.
You can go to our page to see some of the
testimonials service personnel have given us over the years:
If you would like your website visitors to have
access to this discount now and in the future, we’d appreciate it if you
would link to our site using the code snippet, below. Any of your visitors
who click on the link will have access to the discount." Sincerely,
Schafer Pugh
1st in Flowers
8255 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Iraq War Veteran Troy Yocum is hiking 7,000 miles
across America, banging his drum and sounding the call for
$5 million to help military families in need. With Emmie the
SuperDog by his side, he took the first step of his 16-month
quest on April 17, 2010. Now they are on track to complete
the western leg of the journey. All the way from Kentucky to
California on Veterans Day.
"I am writing in behalf of my husband, Mark A Beach, who has
written a book "Onward Christmas Soldiers". We would like
to know what the process is to have reciprocal links, as he
feels his book is supportive of your cause and would like
help drive traffic to your site through such an exchange of
Here is his website: where his book is described."
SherLynne Beach
Heritage Makers Independent Consultant"
"As most of you know I started a foundation called "A
Soldiers Promise" here in the great state of Utah. It is a
support for service members who suffer from PTSD. To date
it has consisted mostly of on line and phone support for our
troops who have needed information about PTSD and how to
seek treatment for it. Occasionally I have transported
someone to a treatment facility or gone to their home to
help their family member calm one of our troops down after
suffering from an anxiety attack.
Soon we will expand this support to a group setting. It is a
known fact that part of recovery is hearing from others who
suffer the same challenges. It helps to know that what they
are going through is normal and that they are not alone. In
numbers we find strength. We will also have a drug and
alcohol counselor, and an equine therapist at some of these
support meetings along with a touch therapist to work with
family members to become active in their recovery as well.
We want the families to understand what their service member
is going through so they can be of help instead of harm in
the recovery process. This group is anonymous and will stay
such so that our service members will feel safe coming
forward and seeking help for their PTSD.
If any of you are willing and able to help with this support
group in any way, I am asking that you please contact me via
email at or our website at We are in the beginning
stages of getting this group together and we need all the
help we can get, please let me know if there is anyway you
can help. I would appreciate you forwarding this on to
anybody that might be able to get involved as well as
anybody that might find this group helpful to them.
God Bless!"
-K. J.
Skyrocket Among Young Men and Women in the Military
"On July 23, 2009, the "Air Force Times," reported that the
US Senate has ordered "an independent study to determine
whether an increase in
suicides could be the result of sending troops into combat
while they are taking antidepressants or
sleeping pills."
Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-Md), who pushed for the study,
said he does not know whether there is a link, but he
believes prescription
drug use,
especially when it is not closely supervised by medical
personnel, needs a closer look, the Times noted.
"One thing we should all be concerned about is that there
are more and more of our soldiers who are using prescription
antidepressant drugs ... and we are not clear as to whether
they are under appropriate medical supervision," Cardin told
the Times.
"Surveys ... have shown that as many as 12 percent of those
who are serving in Iraq and 17 percent of those who are
serving in Afghanistan are using some form of prescribed
antidepressant or sleeping pills," he said. "That would
equal 20,000 of our service members."
"Death by suicide is at record levels in the armed
services," according to Dr Peter Breggin, one of the top
experts on psychiatric drugs in the US.
"Simultaneously," he says, "the use of antidepressant drugs
is also at record levels."
"The army confirms that since 2002 the number of suicide
attempts has increased six-fold," he notes. "And more than
128 soldiers killed themselves last year."
The FDA requires antidepressant makers to list the following
adverse effects on the labels of their drugs: "anxiety,
agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability,
hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity ... and mania."
"We are giving our troops drugs that provide a prescription
for uncontrolled, disinhibited violence, including
agitation, irritability, impulsivity, hostility, and
aggressiveness," Dr Breggin points out.
"During Vietnam, a mere 1% our troops were taking prescribed
psychiatric drugs," he reports. "By contrast, in the past
year one-third of marines in combat zones were taking
psychiatric drugs."
"Instead of shortening tours of duty, instead of temporarily
removing stressed-out soldiers from combat zones, and
instead of providing counseling--the new army policy is to
drug the troops," he notes.
In his latest book, "Medication Madness," Dr Breggin
describes dozens of cases in which peace-loving citizens
became suicidal, violent and psychotic from taking
As of July 19, 2009, on the website, "SSRI Stories -
Antidepressant Nightmares," (,
there were over 3,200 news stories, mainly criminal in
nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV,
scientific journals), or were part of testimony at FDA
hearings on SSRIs in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which
antidepressants are mentioned.
"Even these 3200+ documented stories only represent the tip
of an iceberg since most stories do not make it into the
media," the website points out."
HOmes for Troops"
is building two more homes in Utah for Severely Wounded Warriors from
"Thank you for
viewing my request. I work for Homes for Our Troops, a 501c3 non-profit
that builds homes for severely wounded service members at no cost to
them. Please visit us at
to learn more. We are preparing to build our second and third homes in
UT. One home in Salt Lake City, UT for Army SPC Bryant Jacobs <>
and one in Cedar City, UT for Army SGT Travis Wood. <>
Both of these young men are very deserving of a specially adapted home
so they can start their new lives with their injuries. On their web
pages you will get to read their story and see photographs of them and
their families.
am reaching out to you because we have worked with the Patriot Guard
Riders on past projects and events and I know your organization is a
huge support and such a presence throughout our events! I wanted to see
if you would consider putting something in your newsletter and website
about this projects.
now we are in the beginning stages of both of these homes and I am
planning Community Dinner and Ground Breaking events for both. Salt Lake
City, Bryant Jacobs will be held on the 18th of February and Cedar City,
Travis Wood, will be held on the 17th of February.
you very much and feel free to contact me with any questions."
Lambert <>
Project Facilitator
Homes for Our
Troops 37 Main St.
MA 02780
P - 508-823-3300 F
- 508-823-5411 T-Back
SPC Bryant Jacobs
Salt Lake City, UT

SPC Bryant
Jacobs, 24, was
serving in Iraq when
he was severely
injured on December
3, 2004. With just a
month to go of his
year-long tour of
duty, Bryant was
injured when his
HMMWV was hit by an
improvised explosive
device, which
instantly killed
another Soldier in
his unit.
The team was
conducting a routine
route clearance and
was on a return
sweep when the IED
exploded. The blast
hit the passenger
side of the HMMWV,
throwing Jacobs from
the vehicle.
Bryant is
currently living in
an apartment that
isn't accessible. He
says, "Honestly,
words can't describe
how thankful I am
for a fully
accessible home. The
little things like
taking a shower that
is hard every day
will become easy
Help us build
Bryant a home that
will accommodate his
needs and enable him
to concentrate on
recovering and
living a normal
Please consider
donating supplies or
labor or making
monetary donation
SGT Travis Wood
Cedar City, UT

SGT Travis Wood
was serving in
Afghanistan when he
was severely injured
on January 14, 2007.
Travis sustained
multiple severe
injuries when a
roadside bomb
detonated near the
truck he was
driving. He had to
be cut out of his
harness and pulled
out of the truck -
with a broken back,
crushed pelvis,
punctured lung and
much more.
The passenger of
the vehicle pulled
him into a nearby
ditch where they
waited 1½ hours for
a helicopter to pick
them up and get them
out of danger.
Travis has had to
endure 83 surgeries
so far to repair his
SGT Wood is
currently living in
an apartment near
Walter Reed Army
Medical Center with
his wife Stephanie
and their 4-year-old
daughter Maddy. He
would like to live
closer to his family
in Utah, but finding
affordable homes
that are accessible
isn't possible.
Help us build
Travis a home that
will accommodate his
needs and enable him
and his family to
concentrate on
recovery and their
80 more dogs and cats that our US Military have befriended are waiting to
come back with them to US. YOu can help:
If you would like to donate any items to Operation Baghdad Pups, please
click here for our most regular used items.
Congratulations Melissa and all Utah Tax Liberty Service franchises that
braved the cold for 2 days in Utah, and paid 99.5 radio $1,000 to get live
radio feed, bought pizza, hot chocolate and donuts, and thanks SLC ARMY
recruiters for braving the cold too and collected 649 cell phones, and over
600 accessories. WAtch for Utah County Liberty Tax SErvice event March 5-10
when they offer free tax service to Police, Firefighters and Military! They
have a goal to collect 2,000 phones here in Utah. "We are collecting
used cell phones to donate to Cell
Phones for Soldiers. This is a nonprofit organization that
uses the money collected from the sale of the phones to purchase calling
cards. The calling cards are then sent to our soldiers so that they are
able to call home without incurring any expense.
We have set a goal to collect 200 phones – the
phones do not have to work and they do not have to be in any specific
condition. All phones and accessories can be sold for money that will be
used to purchase calling cards.
If you are one of the 153 million Americans who
don’t know what to do with their old cell phone, help a soldier by donating
them by contacting us at
Featured Sponsor
- AT&T has donated more than $500,000 worth of prepaid phone cards to Cell
Phones for Soldiers and is now offering all 1,800 company-owned wireless
store locations across the country as drop-off sites to help recycle used
cell phones for the program, through July 2008!"
Dear Brittany and Robbie Bergquist,
I want to personally thank you for what you do for our
servicemen and women serving in the Armed Forces. I am the
Company Commander for Co B 163rd Logistics Task Force, a
unit serving in Afghanistan. We are helping the Afghanistan
people to rebuild and secure their country. We received your
calling cards from our Family Readiness Group and
distributed them to our soldiers within the last month and
they are grateful for your support and this wonderful
project you started back home. They are using the cards to
stay in contact with loved ones and families. It makes us
proud to serve our great country knowing there are wonderful
citizens such as yourselves. We also feel that supporters
like you are our heroes and give us the inspiration to do
our best for our country. Thank you again for all you do.
CPT Timothy A. Wood
Kabul, Afghanistan
Company Commander "
Memorial that has travelled over 22,000 miles in 5 months in Memory
of Mike Legmiller:
Other Programs supporting our Troops with gifts:
You can make your own stockings,
buy stockings, create gift bags or decorate
boxes. For more information or to receive FREE Shipping
information to our
SLC warehouse, Email to Call
Packages can be shipped to: Operation Give c/o Million Air Cargo
430 N 3700
Salt Lake City, Utah 84122
Paul Holton and kids
in Your Pocket in Utah is donating Card Making Supplies for all
Military families to make cards with Troops for Cards for their
family members serving in Iraq and Afghanistan

We started in 1999 to
revolutionize the way the 30 million Americans with
military affinity stay connected and informed.
Today, we're the largest military and veteran
membership organization — 10 million members strong.'s free membership
connects servicemembers, military families and
veterans to all the benefits of service — government
benefits, scholarships, discounts, lifelong friends,
mentors, great stories of military life or missions,
and much more.
We believe that the benefits earned
in the service should be easier to access and
written in plain English. We're passionate about
helping members make the most of military experience
throughout life.'s members are sharing
stories, insider tips, news from the front lines,
and unique slices of military life including the
tough stuff of war. provides headline news
and technology updates since our community answers
the call and makes news. We also cover the rest of
the military experience — from great content like
our user-generated videos in our popular "Shock and
Awe" feature to our military equipment guide we
present what makes the military unique (and fun).
In 2004, joined forces
with Monster Worldwide (NYSE: MWW) to accelerate our
growth and change the playing field for career and
educational opportunities for servicemembers,
veterans and military spouses. Monster's vision is
bringing people together to advance their lives,
which is a great fit with's "members
first" ethos and goal of connecting the military
community to all the benefits of service.
How valuable is this Web Site?
Military.Com has 10 Million members.

The primary
mission of the Armor 4 Troops Foundation is to
provide new and replacement "state-of-the-art"
anti-ballistic eyewear, Under-Armour, personal
and other
critical equipment and services directly to
United States troops in the field that are
currently engaged in war zones or other
peacekeeping and humanitarian missions
throughout the world where combat violence is a
Our secondary
mission is to help provide financial assistance
to families of our critically wounded troops
that have been admitted to Walter Reed Hospital
or Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, D.C.
for severe trauma treatment. We will also
provide a variety of "after-care" services to
our critically wounded troops that have
sustained the loss of limb or eyesight.
There is a great
need by our troops and the situation is:
Compassionate Listening Service for Military
Family Members Living Without a
Loved One
Stephen's Touch is an outreach ministry of the
Stephen Ministry Program at Grace Presbyterian
Church in Plano, Texas. For further
information, email us at or call us toll free
at 1-888-40-TOUCH (408-6824).
The person who
is championing having this service available to
military families has been a Stephen Minister
for three years. Her husband, Stephen
Peterson, was also a Stephen Minister. He died
ten years ago from Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a
result of Agent Orange Exposure in Viet Nam.
That's why she has taken to thinking of the idea
as "Operation Stephen's Touch".
In addition to
helping military families by providing a
compassionate listening service, Operation
Stephen's Touch honors the memory of her
husband. She understands the value of having
someone besides a family member or friend be a
true caring listener during a time of grief.
To learn
more about volunteer and donation opportunities,
email us at |

My name is Angel Ramsey and I am from central
Pennsylvania. I became interested in care
packages for deployed U.S. service members when
I learned about a co-worker's son who was in
In October 2005, everyone at my place of work
put together a large care package and shipped it
out to him. A few weeks later, his mother posted
a "Thank You" letter for everyone to read. He
expressed how thankful he was for everything
everyone sent. He also mentioned that he shared
many of the items with the others stationed with
him because they don't get much. When I read
that I knew there was something I could do to
help. God prompted me to take action to meet the
needs of others, and I took that opportunity.
That's when I decided to start this Website. The
whole idea behind this site is to "connect us
with them". Many people I talk to want to help
the troops, but don't really know how. Through
my site you can "send home to them" and help
make a difference in a deployed service member's
I am a one-woman team. Much of my spare time is
devoted to answering emails and maintaining this
website. Every day I continue to use this site
to help others find a service member to send
support to. To date, I have helped connect over
10,850 deployed members of the U.S Armed Forces
with sponsors, and this number grows each day.
Since 2005, I have personally sent hundreds of
care packages filled with home to our troops
overseas. I have large shipments around the
holidays, but I also send packages throughout
the year.
For frequently asked questions

This is a unique web site and one I encourage all of
you to visit. You will not be sorry because there are
many things of interest, including "The Promise" by
Sammy L. Davis, U.S. Army, Medal of Honor Winner,
Vietnam. You

Camp Patriot exists to take Disabled
U.S. Veterans on
outdoor adventures.
The task is monumental. Today, there are over 2.3
million disabled veterans in the U.S. The number of
disabled men and women veterans is growing with each day
the war on terror continues.
These brave veterans sacrificed much in
order to ensure our safety and freedom. All of these
veterans had dreams about the future, but many of those
dreams were lost due to injuries suffered in the line of
Outdoor activities that they hoped to do in
the future have vanished due to their disability. We
want to thank these veterans by showing them that with
the right help, they can again enjoy the great outdoors.
HERE to read about their VISION and their QUEST.
Check out the Camp Patriots Corp. Web
Site. "They are giving back to those who have given!" |
"Over the last five years in Iraq, Mercy Corps has
undertaken one of the most significant relief operations
in our 29-year history.
We provide food, medical aid and schooling to displaced
children and families across Iraq. We support women's
groups, promote equal representation and aid
disability-rights campaigns. We enlist Iraq's best and
brightest to lead our programs and to decide — as Iraqis
and for themselves — the best direction to take their
I recently returned from a two-week trip to Iraq, where
I met decent people from all walks of life — who
together still possess tremendous potential to fashion a
decidedly more decent society in a place filled with
turmoil and human suffering. These everyday Iraqis are
the agents of positive change we must empower.
You can help by
taking action now to keep needed aid flowing to
humanitarian assistance for Iraqis.
Congress is reconsidering funding for a program
essential to rebuilding Iraq. It's called the Community
Action Program, or CAP, and it helps promote grassroots
democracy and better local governance by empowering
Iraqi community groups.
Please let your Congressperson know you support this
program. Call 1-866-340-9281 and ask to be connected to
the office of your Representative in the House. Ask them
sign the "Dear Colleague" letter being circulated by
representatives Blumenauer and Shays that supports the
CAP in Iraq.
The late astronomer Carl Sagan once referred to science
as "a candle in the dark." I think Mr. Sagan would agree
that in the dark corners of today's world — places like
Iraq and Darfur — humanitarian agencies are candles,
Thank you for helping Mercy Corps illuminate a new path
for the Iraqi people"
Veterans Network
Veteran is on-line television
programming for veterans. From the Main Channel
guide you can easily access shows on the Veterans
News Channel, Eleven Bravo. Homeward Bound, Step To
The Plate, and The National Veterans Foundation
American Academy of Ophthalmology The American
Academy of Ophthalmology is the largest national
membership association of Eye M.D.s. Eye M.D.s are
ophthalmologists, medical doctors who provide
comprehensive eye care, including medical, surgical
and optical care. More than 90 percent of practicing
U.S. Eye M.D.s are Academy members, and the Academy
has more than 7,000 international members.
The premier informational resource for African
Americans in the U.S. military and veterans. Site
includes U.S. news, information, history,
recognition, statistics and relative to African
Americans veterans, active, reserve members and
civilians in the U.S. Armed Services.
Little Treasure Publications
The company's mission is to publish books of
integrity that speak to the hearts, minds, and souls
of our readers; books that will put readers in touch
with their inner core, offering them direction
wherever they may be along their journey in life. By
choosing to publish books of inspiration, the
spirits of authors are renewed, and they too find
both personal and professional hope and
Fifty cents from each book will go directly to
American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund.
Orders can be placed at
ARBA: Army Review Boards Agency
ARBA's mission statement: "We serve the soldier and
the veteran in a courteous and timely manner; we
decide their cases on behalf of the Secretary of the
Army with justice, equity, and compassion, and in
the public interest; and we present our decisions in
clear and concise responses".
The Flag House and Star-Spangled Banner Museum
It is the birthplace of America’s Flag! Navigate
through history and learn about Mary Pickersgill and
the Star-Spangled Banner. Plan your trip, download
our free flag pack, buy a flag, and Make a
The Desert Storm Memorial Drive, Inc
This web site is dedicated to the Gulf War Veterans
who served in the Desert Shield/Desert Storm War.
Their mission is to start a public campaign to raise
the necessary interest and the necessary funds to
build our Gulf War Veterans a National Memorial.
While they recognize and honor those who are serving
in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi
Freedom, for the purpose of this web site, a
distinction is drawn between the war in 1991 and the
ongoing war in Iraq today.
U.S. Census Bureau Public Information Office
Find links to a wealth of factual information about
veterans, from the US Census and other official
government sources.
Pentagon Channel broadcasts military news and
information for the 2.6 million members of the U.S.
Armed Forces through programming including:
Department of Defense news briefings, military news,
interviews with top defense officials, short stories
about the work of our military, among others.
Scouts of America is one of the most diverse
youth groups in the country, serving boys of every
ethnicity, religion, and economic circumstance and
having programs for older teens of both sexes.
The American Pain Foundation is a a nonprofit
organization that serves as a clearinghouse for
issues related to pain management. The foundation
reaches out to veterans who are in pain and provides
them with educational information, and support to
improve their pain care, decrease their sense of
isolation, and encourage them in their pursuit of a
better quality of life for themselves and their
History - An act of remembrance is an act of
honor! Freedom is not free! sends Christmas to
children of fallen soldiers. Thank you Robert for
your great work.
Helping HEAL Inc., provides financial
assistance to wounded service men and women
returning from our current overseas military
operations. During the Vietnam War there
were 4 wounded to every soldier killed in
action. Thanks to advances in medicine, body
armor and logistics, today’s ratio is twelve
wounded to a single deceased. Our current
system is unprepared to handle the high
numbers of wounded servicemen. The severity
and scope of the conflicts have exceeded our
government’s estimation, and as a result,
many of our soldiers are falling through the
An audit
conducted by the Government Accountability
Office (GAO, dated Feb. 2005) found that "Gaps
in Pay and Benefits Create Financial
Hardships for Injured Army National Guard
and Reserve Soldiers." In the
thirty-eight cases reviewed, twenty-four, a
startling 63% of all wounded servicemen and
servicewomen, experienced "gaps in their pay
which often resulted in financial hardship."
The majority of the 150,000 soldiers
currently on duty in Iraq are Reservists and
National Guard.
U.S. Government Accountability Office says
hundreds of soldiers are running up giant
military debt because of the government's
cumbersome pay system. [PDF] April 2006 |